Revolutionizing bill estimation for a shipping company


Revolutionizing bill estimation for a shipping company


Sheriff, the logistics manager, is currently facing challenges in the company’s invoicing process, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors. The manual and time-consuming nature of generating bill estimates, adjusting invoices, and tracking payment statuses creates bottlenecks and hampers overall productivity.

My innovative solution is an automated bill estimation app designed to address the challenges logistics managers like Sheriff face. Through extensive research and an understanding of the shipping industry, I identified the need for a streamlined invoicing process that saves time, reduces errors, and enhances customer satisfaction. The initial research involved interviews, surveys, and market analysis to gather insights from logistics managers who shared similar pain points and frustrations.

Furthermore, my solution allows for easy adjustments and customization of invoices to meet specific customer requirements or contractual agreements. Sheriff can quickly review, modify, and finalize invoices with the app’s user-friendly editing features before sharing them with customers or relevant departments.

Overall, my solution aims to streamline the invoicing process for logistics managers like Sheriff, saving time, reducing errors, and improving overall efficiency. Providing a standardized and automated system empowers logistics managers to focus on core business activities, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.


As the sole member of the team, I took on the role of Product Designer, leading all aspects of the project’s design process. This included conducting comprehensive primary and secondary research, developing detailed journey and empathy maps, creating prototypes at different fidelity levels for the user interface, conducting rigorous testing, gathering valuable feedback, and iterating on the designs to ensure optimal outcomes.


Sheriff is a 46-year-old Logistics Manager at Protocall Maritime Logistics. He ensures efficient transportation and distribution of products through strategic planning and coordination. Sheriff is often frustrated with the fluctuating fuel prices and unexpected charges as well as complex customs duties, Sherif would be happy with a bill estimation app that can factor in various cost components like fuel, labor, equipment, and any additional charges. Additionally, integration with real-time market rates and automated currency conversions would be beneficial.

How Might We

How might we help Sheriff, a Logistics manager, whose current manual invoicing process is time-consuming and error-prone?


Our solution tackles these challenges by providing a user-friendly app that automates the bill estimation process from start to finish. The app features a simple and intuitive interface that allows Sheriff to input relevant shipment and service information, generating accurate bill estimates based on predefined parameters. The app also incorporates real-time data synchronization, ensuring that payment statuses are updated instantly, providing Sheriff with complete visibility into outstanding invoices and potential delays.

Competitive Map

Competitive Audit

In the competitive landscape of bill estimation apps, QuickBooks stands out for its comprehensive suite of tools, advanced reporting capabilities, and user-friendly dashboard. However, its subscription fee and potential integration issues may limit accessibility for some users. ZohoBooks excels in seamless integration with other Zoho applications, enhancing productivity, but users may find customization options limited. FreshBooks offers a simplified and intuitive user experience, making it popular among small businesses, yet it may lack advanced features for larger organizations. In contrast, LOGIBOOKS caters specifically to logistics companies, providing a comprehensive and automated system to save time, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency in bill estimation.


User flow

Paper Wireframes

Low Fidelity Prototypes

Style Guide

Concepts Breakdown

I came up with three design concepts. Concept Advance Bill Estimation was chosen.

Concept Simple Bill Estimation

This concept focuses on providing a straightforward and user-friendly bill estimation process for the logistics company

Simplicity, Time-Saving, User Accessibility

User-Friendly, Quick Estimates, Easy Adoption

Limited Functionality, Lack of Customization

Concept Advance Bill Estimation – Chosen

This concept would allow users to input detailed information about the shipment, including the type of goods, special handling requirements, delivery timelines, and any additional services needed.

Customization, Precision, Enhanced Functionality

Personalization, Competitive Advantage, Scalability

Complexity, Time Consuming

Concept AI Bill Estimation

This concept focuses on using generative AI to estimate your bill. Features the use of a chatbot providing it with minimal information.

Fast Process, Easy-to-use, Enhanced Accuracy

Efficient, Continuous Improvement

Interpretability, Complexity, Data Representation

User Testing Feedback

During the user testing session, the first user expressed how unclear the login and sign-up page was. The first user recommended clarity between a login page and a sign-up page.

The second user made a mistake when she reached the middle of creating an estimate and did not know what to do. She recommended the addition of a back button so users can go back during the process of creating a bill estimate.

User Testing Considerations

  • I will create a different page for login and sign-up to prevent ambiguity.
  • I will add a back button so users can go back during the process of creating a bill estimate.

UI Iterated Design

This UI design was made with a simplistic and straightforward view in mind. To enable the user to have the best user experience possible.

“This is a super clean and intuitive design”
