Archbuild Consult Website Design

case study


ArchBuildConsult, a real estate and management company embarking on its digital presence, faced the challenge of establishing a robust online platform from scratch. The absence of a previous website meant there was an urgent need to create an effective online presence that would not only showcase the company’s offerings but also provide a seamless and engaging experience for potential clients. The initial lack of a digital footprint hindered Archbuildconsult’s ability to connect with a broader audience and effectively communicate its brand identity, services, and real estate projects. The company required a strategic approach to design and user experience to ensure the successful launch of its inaugural website in a competitive market.

Solution & Impact

In response to the unique challenge of establishing Archbuildconsult’s inaugural website, I took on a multifaceted role encompassing user research, user experience (UX) design, and overall website design. My approach began with an in-depth exploration of the target audience, industry trends, and competitor analysis to inform the design strategy. Leveraging these insights, I crafted a user-centered design that seamlessly guides visitors through the company’s services, real estate projects, and brand story. The website’s intuitive navigation, coupled with visually appealing elements, ensures a positive and engaging experience for first-time users. The impact of this comprehensive solution is profound – Archbuildconsult now boasts a compelling online presence that not only establishes credibility in the market but also effectively connects with and converts potential clients. The inaugural website has become a powerful tool for brand recognition, driving user engagement and contributing significantly to the company’s successful entry into the digital landscape.

My Role

  • User Research
  • User Experience
  • Website Design

As the lead designer, my role in this project extended across crucial phases. I conducted extensive user research to understand the target audience’s needs and preferences, informing the subsequent design decisions. In the realm of user experience (UX), I crafted wireframes and prototypes, ensuring a smooth and intuitive journey for users navigating the website for the first time. My responsibilities also included the overall website design, where I focused on creating a visually appealing and cohesive interface that aligns with Archbuildconsult’s brand identity. This comprehensive role ensured a harmonious fusion of research-driven insights and design expertise, resulting in a successful launch and sustained impact for Archbuildconsult’s inaugural online platform.

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