E-COMMERCE Website Design

case study


Jarakese, an e-commerce startup, faced the challenge of establishing its online presence with the creation of its inaugural website. The absence of a previous online platform meant the company had to address foundational issues, including defining its brand identity, organizing product categories, and establishing a seamless user experience for potential customers. The challenge extended to the need for a visually appealing and functional design that would not only showcase Jarakese’s products but also instill trust and confidence in users engaging with the brand for the first time. The lack of an existing website posed the task of building a digital storefront from scratch, emphasizing the importance of a strategic design approach to captivate and convert visitors.

Solution & Impact

In tackling the challenge of crafting Jarakese’s first e-commerce website, my role as the lead designer focused on user experience and overall website design. The solution involved an extensive user research phase to understand the target audience’s preferences and behaviors, informing the creation of an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Through wireframing, prototyping, and iterative design processes, I ensured a seamless navigation experience, making it easy for users to explore and purchase products. The impact of this design solution has been transformative for Jarakese – the website not only serves as a virtual storefront but has become a dynamic platform driving sales, enhancing brand recognition, and fostering a positive connection with customers. The thoughtful design has contributed to Jarakese’s successful entry into the competitive e-commerce landscape.

My Role

  • User Research
  • User Experience
  • Website Design

As the key designer for Jarakese’s e-commerce website, my role encompassed user experience and overall website design. I initiated the project with a deep dive into user research, identifying key user personas and preferences to inform the design strategy. The subsequent phases involved creating wireframes and prototypes that were refined through user testing, ensuring an optimal user journey. The final design integrated a visually appealing and cohesive interface, aligning with Jarakese’s brand identity and product offerings. Post-launch, my role extended to monitoring user feedback and analytics, enabling continuous improvements for sustained impact. This comprehensive involvement from inception to post-launch optimization underscores the vital role of user experience and design in the success of Jarakese’s e-commerce venture.

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